Friday, July 31, 2009

Dark Theme Release

I will be evilly happy if you admit that you were fooled, but I'll be even happier if you say you've been waiting all along for the real deal. Tags are no longer going to be a part of WordPress 2.2, so I changed my mind and the theme is now available for download. Thank you for your patience. Now I give you Wolfgang Bartelme's
"dark" theme.

The theme has been tested on WordPress 2.1.3 with Firefox and Safari, may play well with IE6/7 too. It validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.0, and supports the following plugins:

* flickrRSS
* Gravatar
* Ultimate Tag Warrior
* WP-PageNavi

Change Log:

2.0 (2008-07-18):

* Requires WordPress 2.5+
* Added full widgets support (1 x sidebar + 3 x bottom)
* Added native tagging support
* Added native gravatar support
* Slightly tweaked

1.01 (2007-04-23):

* Fixed a CSS bug for Archives page
* Fixed the alignment bug for search results

1.0 (2007-04-22):

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blogger Tag Cloud Widget by Categories / Labels

This widget is perfect for blogspot users who desire a simple tag cloud for their Categories. The Labels Cloud can easily be implemented within the sidebar of your blog and will match your template wonderfully.

Steps for Implementation

Step 1: Back it Up
Always make sure to back up your Template before doing anything else!

Step 2: The Labels Gadget
Make sure that you have the Labels Page Element installed. If you haven't already...

1. Go to Layout >Page Elements .
2. Click "Add a Gadget" and then add the "Labels" gadget.

Step 3: Locating the "Old Code"

1. Now go to Layout >Edit HTML
2. Make sure that the "Expand Widgets Template" box is unchecked.
3. Now we need to search for the code that looks like this.

Your code may look a little different. So try using your browser's search tool to find type='Label'.

Step 5: Previewing the New Tag Cloud
Before saving the template make sure to click preview. The new tag cloud should now be visible. If not, make sure that you've completed all the steps correctly.

Recent Posts Widget for Blogger with Thumbnails, Summaries, Comments, etc

Display beautifully crafted links to
Recent Posts on your blog with this widget. You can easily customize whether or not you would like to display thumbnails, post summaries, and the number of comments for each post along side the titles.

Features and Customization:
  1. The Recent Post Titles
  2. Display Post Thumbnails
  3. Choose which blog posts to display (choose URL).
  4. Display Post Summaries
  5. Length of Summaries
  6. Display Post Date
  7. Display Number of Comments on each post
  8. Display Read More Link
  9. Display separator between posts
  10. Number of Posts do Display
  11. Determine height
Install the Recent Post Widget on Your Blog:

This widget is very simple to install. Just simply click the button below to choose which blog you would like to implement it on.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Add Digg Vote Button Counter Widget to Blogger

This tutorial explains how to integrate a Digg Button into your blogger template, which will be displayed in each of your blogger posts. The button displays the amount of times each post has been dugg and lets users digg directly from your blog.

Here are the Steps:
  • Make sure to Backup your Template!

  • Open your blogger template, click Expand Widget Templates, and search for the code below:

  • Add this code below directly above the searched code above:

  • Now Preview and Save your Template!

Magasin Seis | Best Blogger Template

Template By : Falcon Hive

Template name : Magasin Seis

Designer : Padd IT Solutions

Template Converter: Falcon Hive

Compatible BSP: Blogger

Best Viewed Browser: IE 8, Firefox RC3, Opera 9.6, Google Chrome, Safari 4 Public Beta

Column: 2

Feature included:

Unique magazine style design

Smooth Gallery based Featured Content Section

468x15 Ads gadget

300x250 Ads gadget

TopNavigation Menu

Email Subscription button

Twitter update section

125x125 Ads gadget

Flickr section

Shcemer-Mag Best Blogger Template

Instructions: Installation and settings

Author: Bloggertricks

Designer: ChiQ Montes

Category: Neutral

Properties: 3 Columns, Adaptation of Wordpress, Blue, Fixed width, Left sidebar, Magazine, Right sidebar, White

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The 52 Top SEO Tips - Here Are 10 of Them

From the obvious to the "Hey-I-never-thought-of-that-great-idea-before", here are 10 of the top 52 tips on how to optimize your website for its turbo-charge rocket ride up the search engine rankings.

Be bold. Use the tags around some of your keywords on each page. Do NOT use them everywhere the keyword appears. Once or twice is plenty.

Deep linking. Make sure you have links coming in to as many pages as possible. What does it tell a search engine when other web sites are linking to different pages on your site? That you obviously have lots of worthwhile content. What does it tell a search engine that all your links are coming in to the home page? That you have a shallow site of little value, or that your links were generated by automation rather than by the value of your site. Here is an example of deep linking, in this case to my personal happiness workbook.

Become a foreigner. Canada and the UK have many directories for websites of companies based in those countries. Can you get a business address in one of those countries?

Newsletters. Offer articles to ezine publishers that archive their ezines. The links stay live often for many years in their archives.

First come, first served. If you must have image links in your navigation bar, include also text links. However, make sure the text links show up first in the source code, because search engine robots will follow the first link they find to any particular page. They won't follow additional links to the same page. You can see this in action at the link to the home page on this web site monitoring page

Multiple domains. If you have several topics that could each support their own website, it might be worth having multiple domains. Why? First, search engines usually list only one page per domain for any given search, and you might warrant two. Second, directories usually accept only home pages, so you can get more directory listings this way. Why not a site dedicated to gumbo pudding pops?

Article exchanges. You've heard of link exchanges, useless as they generally are. Article exchanges are like link exchanges, only much more useful. You publish someone else's article on the history of pudding pops with a link back to their site. They publish your article on the top ten pudding pop flavors in Viet Nam, with a link back to your site. You both have content. You both get high quality links. (More on high quality links in other tips.)

Titles for links. Links can get titles, too. Not only does this help visually impaired surfers know where you are sending them, but some search engines figure this into their relevancy for a page.

Not anchor text. Don't overdo the anchor text. You don't want all your inbound links looking the same, because that looks like automation - something Google frowns upon. Use your URL sometimes, your company name other times, "Gumbo Pudding Pop" occasionally, "Get gumbo pudding pops" as well, "Gumbo-flavored pudding pops" some other times, etc.

Site map. A big site needs a site map, which should be linked to from every page on the site. This will help the search engine robots find every page with just two clicks. A small site needs a site map, too. It's called the navigation bar. See how the second navigation bar at the bottom of Last Minute Florida Villas is like a mini-site map?

There you have it: 10 of the 52 Top SEO Tips, a free tip sheet that comes with Don't Get Banned By the Search Engines:

There is a lot more to search engine optimization, and there are always more details when looking at an individual site. But these tips should help any website significantly improve its rankings.

Royale Blue Free Wordpress Template

3 columns,
dark blue,
blue and red colors,
widgets ready,
text in header (edit header.php),
Adsense ready (edit header.php),

places for ads (advertiser.png in header.php and your-ads-125×125–***.jpg in sidebar.php)
free Wordpress template with right sidebars

Minyx Blogger

Minyx is a web 2.0 feature-rich Blogger template with a search box, rss feed icon and much more. It’s a great template (but requires some customization from you to work properly) for those looking for a web 2.0 style Blogger template.

Update 1/29/08 - All images for this template are now hosted on our Photobucket Pro account which means unlimited bandwidth. For you this means the images will always work unlike most free templates you download from the internet. Most people don’t understand this until their images aren’t showing up anymore (usually at the end of the month since the bandwidth limit is monthly) and they wonder what happened!

If you downloaded this template before 1/29/08, you should download it again. Just click on the download link and you’ll get the latest version.

This template was converted by Akbach from a WordPress theme originally created by Mauricio Caballero.

Update 4/23/08 - A new demo site has been setup and the cool Feedjit live traffic widget has been added.

Ready to super charge your blog? Check out our professional premium blogger templates or make money by joining our blog affiliate program!

Want to make your blog stand out from the crowd? I recommend giving your newly downloaded Blogger template a unique and personalized look. Read our Free Blogger Header Images article and find yourself a great custom header image!

If you like this post then please consider subscribing to our eBlog Templates RSS feed. You can also subscribe by email and have new templates and articles sent directly to your inbox.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How to Make Money Fast Tips on Earning Extra Cash in the Next Few Days

How can you make some fast money? Here are some tips on making fast money ethically and legally. Any one of these tips should help you make some quick cash. Before jumping into these money-making tips, here are a couple things to keep in mind.

First, these tips are aimed at helping you make money fast. They are NOT going to make you rich. One or two tips should earn you an extra $50-100 over the next week. Implement all the tips, and you could see a couple hundred dollars added to your bottom line. But do not expect quick riches.

Second, you need some planning and a few days to work with. That planning should include ways to start saving money.

If you are in a situation where you need quick cash today, then you're in a crisis -- and you probably need to borrow money from friends, relatives, a bank, or (last resort) a fast cash outlet. This article is aimed at those who have at least a few days (preferably a week) to work with.

Learning from Amazon

One of the affiliates I’ve been pushing big time this season is Amazon and they are now (normally) my forth highest daily earner (after Adsense, Chitika and Commission Junction). What impresses me most about Amazon is their conversion rate which for me currently stands at over 9% and looking at their site I can see why, I reckon many on-line retailers could learn a lot from from Amazon.

One of the things Amazon has done for a long time is offer you a special price when you buy a related item that they suggest at the same time, which I’m sure has brought them millions in extra sales. One thing I noticed today is they now don’t always display the price but display:

Buy Together Today: Our price is too low to display. Add both items to your shopping cart to see the price. No purchase required.

I think this is a great idea, now the customer has to add it to the basket before knowing the price genius.

Other things they do us display:

Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought

This is another great way of cross selling and it will take them no additional work as they are just basing this on stored data.

User reviews are another great feature, it’s useful for buyers and is free unique content, what website wouldn’t benefit from that in the search engines.

Towards the bottom of the page you have adverts (more money for them), the way of thinking here is if you get that far down the page you aren’t likely to buy so lets make some money out of you a different way. And the adverts don’t stop there, once you receive an order you’ll often find the box contains leaflets from other companies flogging you more stuff.

Another useful feature the site has is your recent history, so you can quickly go back to products that you were previously looking at.

There’s a lot webmasters like you and I can learn from Amazon, what other revenue maximising features can you see that Amazon do right (and wrong)?

Making money from classified sites.

I stumbled across an ingenious way to make money from a site last week and it’s something I plan to possibly try out and put into practice when I get a chance, if you already know about it then I apologise but it did seem rather a sneaky and clever way to generate income while on the face of it looking after your visitors interests so worth sharing.

It goes like this, you run a free classifieds website letting buyers and sellers list their ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ adverts in a niche, be it fish, dogs, birds, cars, music or whatever! It’s a free service and you want to keep it clean and user friendly but you also want to monetise the traffic without plastering Adsense everywhere!

The solution
You protect the privacy of your advertisers, aww bless :)
When people place adverts for unwanted goods or pets they have bred they may be wary about giving out their phone number, fear not, your classifieds site operates privacy protection so that their phone number is not actually displayed on the site, instead an 07096 number is displayed (in the UK), this number forwards calls on to the advertisers real phone number and costs £0.50 per minute generating shared revenue for the website owner.

The result
The website is clean, user friendly and free to use, more than that as detailed in the privacy policy all private numbers are hidden and a forwarding number is used to protect the users from spammers and canvassers obtaining their number. The website owner is on a revenue share, as long as the cost element of the phone call is NOT EXTORTIONATE and clearly stated, I think it’s a great way to monetise a service you can offer, generating income from premium phone numbers is not new and older than the internet but it seems to me a nice way of bringing them both together, indeed if you could find a well established high traffic classifieds website you could remove existing advertising and implement this and give a better user experience and make a good income from it buying it cheap on a multiple of it’s present income. Win win.

£200 per week for every reader

It’s going to be a tough year for many, I know of a few friends paid off and others that have had to take other jobs on less money so while today’s post is nothing new I think it’s worth going over to point out that you can make a couple of hundred here and there and for many that can mean the difference between paying bills and not. Simply one idea is to hand register domain names and sell them for a couple of hundred, try not to presume anything, don’t presume all product names are registered, don’t presume nobody wants to buy and don’t presume it’s a waste of time. With a budget of less than £50 and your time you could research, register and sell domains to very happy people.

As usual when I tried this to test it I stuck to UK domains, more opportunity in CCTLD’s
I would suggest finding a source of ecommerce websites, again for me this would be UK based sites, you could probably use DMOZ as a source. Pick a subject like ‘mobility’. Then find the product pages of the sites and check the names of their products again the whois – with a bit of luck you will very quickly find products available as I did, &, the latter is now part of a £50 per month lease. For example on this page you can see they sell a car caddie and that domain is available. If you chose instead home improvements the first site’s description says “Online store for supplies of timber, sheet materials, specially treated woods and ancillary products” A quick check and you’ll see and are available or the 8th company on this list sell temporary window blinds which I remember seeing on Dragons Den, surely isn’t available that has to be worth £100 and as I write it is available. Don’t get bogged down with search volumes or other unrelated data - your selling the domain only, the name of a product that companies sell.

It’s important to be courteous and reasonable, point out that you own it and are selling it for a fixed price of £100 or £150 or whatever your number is, a fixed price lets them know your not out to rip anyone off and gives them a very clear decision to make, I don’t think it would take long to get a bite, you really don’t have much to lose apart from your time.

By keeping the price low and fixed you increase your chances of making quick sales, now is not the time to put your head in the sky - deals can be done even at £50 your well in profit, I did this with today to a swimming pool company, sending 5 emails and one came back and paid £200 within the hour and asked if I had any others product names he would be interested, also had one other person reply looking to buy it but they were too slow so I could have sold it twice. It’s simple and it works, yes there are going to be some you can’t sell off or find a buyer for initially but build some stock and try those again in a few months time targeting offline businesses. Anyway I’m feeling skint just now so I may just go do it myself next week unless you get in there before me .

Blue Weed



Rustic Portrait


Best blogger templates


PRiNZ BranfordMagazine 2.6


Monday, July 20, 2009


Bizfresh | Best Blogger templates


Friday, July 17, 2009

Falkner House

Falkner House, 3 columns, Premium Style free Wordpress Theme. The required wp plugins have been included with zip file.


Revolution, Magazine Style Blogger Theme:

Template Tabs, Magazine Style Blogger Theme:

Visionary Reloaded, Magazine Style Blogger Theme:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cake Recipe blogger template

Cake Recipe is a lovely theme original designed by Quality Wordpress and was converted to Blogger/Blogspot template by me. If you’re looking for a fun template or a template for your recipe/cake website, this would be perfect for you!

Main features
* Three columns with left and right sidebar
* Lovely design
* Built-in Recent Posts and Recent Comments widgets

Install Cake Recipe blogger template

Step 1. Set up the Top Navigation:

Press Ctrl+F to find these lines:

Change them if you want

Step 2. Change TimeStamp format

Please read the post How to change Blogger timestamp format

Step 3. Set up Recent Posts and Recent Comments widgets

Please refer to this post if you do not know how to set up the Recent Posts and Recent Comments widgets.

Note : Set the number of posts and number of comments to two or three to fit the layout.

Cake Recipe Blogger Template comes under a Creative Commons License. This means it is free to use on your blog as long as the credit link in the footer is kept intact. I hope everyone enjoys this theme and please don’t forget to leave comments as they are precious!

Preview | Download

i-Blog blogger template

i-Blog is a modern looking theme original designed by I have just adapted from Wordpress Theme to Blogger Template and now it is available for Bloggers.

Main features:
* Three columns with right sidebars
* Modern design
* Google Adsense ready (468×60 banner, 120×600 sidebar, 200×200 sidebar)

Blogger Notes blogger template

Bloggger Notes is a uniquely designed two columns WordPress theme that comes with a valid CSS and XHTML. Inspired by the latest hand-drawn and vintage look design trends, this free theme is designed by Padd IT Solutions and was converted to Blogger by ThemeLib

Main features

* Two columns with left sidebar
* Hand-drawn design
* Built-in RSS feed
* Built-in search box
* Nice navigation tab
* Google Adsense ready (468×60 banner)

Install Blogger Notes blogger template
Step 1. Blog’s Name

I included the psd file in the download package named logo.psd. You can open it by Photoshop then edit it as you like

Step 2. Top Navigation
Press Ctrl+F to find these lines

This template has an useful About section where you can put some information about you, about your site … Looking for the About Author widget at the footer and edit it to anything you like

Step 4. RSS feed link (optional)

Again, this is an optional task.

You can use the default RSS feed but if you want more controls, use
Feedburner instead.

Millions of people without jobs, but no worries, working at home is the way to go.

Are online jobs for you? For Mike Richardson, who lives in Islamabad, 08 , who filled out a simple online form, working online was the way to get a new job.

From Mike Richardson's personal website: "Basically, I actually make around $5,000 to $7,000 a month from Google. Not a ton of money. But, very solid and good. I was able to replace my previous job's income, working less than 10 hours a week on my computer at home."

For Mike Richardson, this is not a new story - a job loss and financial despair. But this person didn't give up. From his own words: "I was not interested in some fly by night get rich quick business opportunity, pyramid scheme or anything to do with network marketing. You know, the ones that want you to try to sell stuff to your friends and family members. I just wanted a legitimate honest way for me to earn extra income from home. I am here to spread this word. Hopefully my story can inspire you to try what I discovered.

To make a long story short, I generated $5,000 a month at home as a result of Google. All I do is post the links Google gave me. I don't even have to sell anything. Did you read that? Yes, no one actually needs to buy anything from you, me or Google. Just post the website links and get paid. You can do the same and Google is looking for a bunch of people to do that for them."

Online Giant Google has been making people rich over night - worth over $100 Billion dollars. This great company has been helping people work from home and give them new jobs. From Mike Richardson's own words: "Now, I have seen scams out on the Internet that talk about making $50,000 a month online. But that is exactly what they are - scams. This is my story of my real life where I am now generating a legitimate income from home that easily replaced my previous job's income. Here's a check from early last year I got.

" In a short time Mike Richardson was able to make it with a system called "Google Money Master Kit" that saved his life. He was able to share his story with us, which we're finally revealing to the public for the first time:

Step 1:

Get Google Money Master Kit with unlimited customer support, only pay $1.00 for shipping.

Step 2:

Also get your The Multiple Streams of Income Home Study Course and Audio Series to make guaranteed fast money! Learn our simple system in one day and it tracks everything, only pay $1.95 for shipping.

Step 3:

Follow the directions on Google Money Master Kit to start posting links. Google will start sending their first check to you in about 48 hours. (Or you can start having them wire directly into your checking account. Your first checks will be about $500 to $1,500 a week. Then it goes up from there depending on how many links you posted online.)

Can you say "I can afford $1.87? You can become completely debt free* and cash in your pocket. Yes!!! You see, I am just doing my part to spread the word out so that you don't have to go through what I ended up going through. And yes it is legitimate, you can generate between $5,000 to $7,500 a month just working a few hours a day posting links on Google and Google. These systems did show me how. So just do it."

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Follow your friends on Twitter and Facebook in one central place

Seesmic makes it easy to reply to them and share text, links, photos and videos all in one screen.

We update Seesmic every other week or so. Come see what's new!

See what Seesmic can do for you in this video.

Seesmic shows all your accounts in one single column

Multiple Twitter accounts and Facebook updates appear together in one single, easy-to-follow column. Use it just for one Twitter and Facebook account or manage multiple identities. Manage your personal brand and different business accounts on Twitter

Seesmic Desktop benefits all types of users, including YOU!

Casual Users and Friends: Check out the activities of your friends and family and see what they are up to in Facebook and Twitter in one single stream.

Listeners: Manage what you want the world to say to you through searches and userlists.

Influencers: Make an impact on others by easily sharing links, images and messages. Pass along other information that will benefit your friends and followers.

Person Brands and Businesses: Manage your brand (both personal and business) and hear what people are saying about you. Quickly respond to users, stay engaged, and strengthen your community.

Photos and Videos

Seesmic lets you take pictures and record videos (soon) straight from your computer webcam or drag and drop them.

Earn money with us!

Dear MAGIX Online World user,

provide MAGIX Online Services GmbH with new customers and offer your own customers attractive value-added services. Generate lucrative, continuous revenue sharing with our partner programs and benefit mutually from this profitable win-to-win situation. Get informed about the different partner programs for successful Online Services like MAGIX Website Maker and MAGIX Online Album
Have fun! The MAGIX team

Broker Price Opinion

Importance of a BPO Company List :
In order to start processing BPO’s for companies, the first thing you must have is an accurate company and Bank List so that you can start submitting your vendor application to them
Learn to Become a Great Reo Agent in ur city :

Anthony Aires is the creator of the REO KIT who has taken all the experiences and ordeals he has faced within the REO and BPO industry and has placed it in a packaged course which anyone can utilize and earn from it. You will learn his secrets and successful strategies which he outlines perfectly with great detail.

He has developed a simple system that gets him more REO LISTINGS every single day.

With the tools he has crafted specifically for this business means he is completely up-to-date with what’s going on around the bank forclosed market.

In fact, many agents are using these same tools
for their own bpo assingments and also getting more BPO’s.

Click here to Buy the Product

Selling Products to Earn Money Online

A lot of people are asking if they can make money online by selling other people’s products. The simple answer to this question is yes. After learning some specific ways to do just that, hundreds of people are quietly raking in thousands of dollars every week.

There are a lot of programs online to educate you on how to drive web traffic to a sales page. For instance, if anyone wants to learn how to care for a guinea pig, they will just type a similar term into the search engine. You will likely have a person visit your website if you have positioned yourself on the pages that come up in that search, let us say in positions three to eight. You will probably make a sale if your product fits the need of what the potential customers are looking for.

Meeting the specific need of a customer online is the secret. Some people believe that just slapping up a website about “guinea pigs” will lead the buyer to a direct sale. This will not result to making money online selling products of any kind for this is simply not true. In general, several people are just curious about guinea pigs. This will just wind you up paying advertising costs for those who are only interested in searching for a guinea pig photo.

Finding a hungry crowd and feeding it the information they need - such as guinea pig odors, guinea pig food, guinea pig mating habits, etc. is the key to making money online selling products. If not, you will end up wasting your money and time.

The wave of the future is the Internet, working at home. Today is your best opportunity to find a program online that suits your personality and needs. Then discover how to promote the products of other people. You will be one of the blessed people who learn how to leverage their time and money through the brilliant medium of the world-wide internet if you are persistent. It is true; it is possible for you to earn money online by selling products. You just need to find out how.

Earn money at home from the Internet


If you have special talents, consider freelance work. Freelancing isn't just for writers. Designers, programmers, business professionals, engineers and even administrative assistants will find opportunities.

Many small sites list freelance opportunities. Some let you bid on projects for free. For more opportunities, try, or Expect to pay $100 or more for an annual membership.

As a freelancer, you won't have the security of a full-time job. Projects could be sporadic. You may spend more time finding work than working when you start out. But you set your own hourly or per-project rates.

Customer service

If you're experienced in customer service, you can do this virtually. In addition to your own computer and a landline, you need a quiet environment. You can pick your own hours. You'll earn between $6 and $30 per hour. Try, or

Virtual concierge

Virtual concierges handle errands and inquiries. You may be assigned mundane tasks like scheduling appointments. Or, you may get wacky requests, like locating clothing donned by a movie star.

You need strong customer service skills. Try Or, if you can sell yourself, start your own service. Compensation starts at $14 an hour.


Have strong typing skills and a good command of the English language? Consider transcription work. Experience is required, and you must type 75 words per minute. Visit and

Direct sales

If you're good at selling, consider direct sales. Many companies have programs, and it isn't just Tupperware or Avon. You can sell in person or via the Internet.

The Direct Selling Association ( will match companies to your interests. It also offers advice. Visit the individual companies' sites for information on their programs.


If teaching is your passion, become an online tutor. You connect with students via online chat.

Be prepared to take a rigorous test. Teaching experience may be required. Start by visiting or Expect to make $10 per hour.

Help for the disabled

Telecommuting is particularly beneficial for some disabled people. The National Telecommuting Institute ( helps individuals with disabilities find work-from-home opportunities. You'll find job listings and advice.

Watch out for scams

You'll find plenty of scam artists when you look for work-at-home opportunities.

Be wary of companies that promise extraordinary sums of money for little work or opportunities that require a substantial investment. In most cases, there shouldn't be up-front fees for getting started. With direct sales, you may need to buy products. Don't pay more than $500. And make sure the company will take back unsold stock.

Before you get involved with a company, do an online search. Type the company name, along with "scam" into a search engine. You'll see if others have had bad experiences with a company. Also, check with the Better Business Bureau ( for complaints.